Friday, October 16, 2009

Ex/10Q (October 2009)

It's time to feature October ExMen's visitor :)

Name, Star Sign, Location
David; Cancer; Portugal (Lisbon)

What do you do for a living?
I'm a Clinical Psychologist. I would love to work as a DJ too. Or recording Live Radio programmes.

What’s the last played track in your ipod?
Believe it or not, i don't use an ipod. But, the last track i played in my car CD player was Tina Turner Live (2009), "Better Be Good To me".

Which is your most favourite DJ ExMen mix?
Shock!ng P!nk Megam!x! I just love it! And i "need" another P!nk great megamix! Done by you!

If you can have dinner with anyone famous, who would it be?
Tina Turner. I think i would be disappointed with Madonna. I prefer to idealize the woman.

What you the 3 things you can't leave your home without?
Some CDs, always; my cell phones (2) and my wallet.

What are the 3 brands (of anything) that you like most?
Sony, Martini (lol) and...Viennetta...i think (Difficult one, i really think i don't have a favourite brand).

What was the last country/city that you visited and where would you like to go next?
I visited Prague (Czech Republic); Would love to go next to Egypt, Greece or Mexico.

If you only have one day left to live what would you do?
I would say to all the people i love, "I love you, and you are a special human being. Thanks for being there!"

If you are keen to be featured (there's no criteria whatsoever, so long as you dig our mixes and don't mind making a friend or two via our blog), drop us an email or a note in Facebook!