Monday, August 25, 2008


Dear friends, thank you so much for all your messages and emails. They are all very encouraging and supportive and we are very happy to know that so many of you adore our mixes...

We would like to specially thank the following:
Lee, Laurence, ChiaBlog, DJ K'san, Paul_Koro, mancgayboi, stravinski, Dj Yoshi, qmansf, JOHN, jae, jeff, LongIsland, jimmie, Greenbabes, Matrix108, ChubbySam, Saniboi, LuLa, Levis31, ryan, BaddAss, JJ2max, cable2006h, KingStone, KoKo, Jenny, Dan, J. Carlos, Gary, jce0621, kike, RAC1966, Chris, Djkoko, Lolyf, leighdg, Jason, dino, AC, rich, SheliaV, 2Uc, Daniel, Mary06, Telvi, JoJo, Gender, K3X4, Shawn.

As bloggers, we only want to continue to share our work with everyone so have decided not to go private for the moment.

We will resume our mixes soon....

DJ ExMen & DJ Ryan