Saturday, November 14, 2009

Listen Up!!

Dear all,
We have noticed that a few of you have been rating most of our mixes with 1 stars .. which actually means it was a BAD mixset. This is a bit disheartening to us coz we spend a considerable amount of time and effort doing these megamixes (besides our day time jobs). As you all know, even though this blog is our hobby, we take it rather seriously and have always strived to provide fresh updates every few days for free downloading for all.

So... for the visitor from Chicago, and a few others who have rated many of our mixes with only 1 star, please tell us why, and how we can improve. We would love to hear from you. And yes, we know it's only a music blog, and not all our mixes may be down your alley, but we do appreciate some constructive criticism instead of some blanket dismissal of our work with no comments or explanation.

Thank you.