Saturday, June 12, 2010

D.ivaliciou.s 3

The 3rd installment to Divalicious has arrived!! This megamix will feature the current top 20 Divas... Enjoy :)
Es.mee D.enters feat J.ustin T.imberlake - L.ove D.ealer (C.hew F.u Extended Mix)
S.hontelle - I.mpossible (R.iddler Remix)
S.olange - I T.old Y.ou S.o (M.ike R.izzo Funk Generation Club Mix)
L.ady G.aga - A.lejandro (D.ave A.ude Club Mix)
K.aty P.erry feat S.noop D.ogg - C.alifornia G.urls (L.iam K.eegan Remix)
C.hristina A.guilera - N.ot M.yself T.onight (C.hus & C.eballos Club Vocal A)
M.acy G.ray - B.eauty I.n T.he W.orld (R.uff L.oaderz Extended Remix)
J.essi M.alay - O.n Y.ou (Eddie A.mador Club Mix)
K.elly R.owland D.avid G.uetta - C.ommander (R.alphi R.osario Club Mix)
K.ylie M.inogue - A.ll T.he L.overs (W.aWa & M.MB Anthem Mix)
R.obyn - D.ancing O.n M.y O.wn (B.uzz J.unkies Club Mix)
A.lexis J.ordan - H.appiness (D.ave A.ude Club Mix)
T.oni B.raxton - M.ake M.y H.eart (S.tereo P.alma Vocal Club Mix)
J.ennifer L.opez - O.n T.he R.adio (D.avid G.uetta Extended Mix)
K.e$ha - Y.our L.ove I.s M.y D.rug (B.imbo J.ones Club Mix)
I.nna feat P.lay & - 1.0 M.inutes (Club Mix)
Erika Jayne - Pretty Mess (Dave Aude Club Mix)
Kimberley Locke - Strobelight (Tony Moran & Warren Rigg Club Mix)
L.auren H.ildebrandt - U.nderneath (M.ike B.ordes Club Mix)
R.ihanna - R.ockstar 1.01 (C.hew Fu. T.eachers Pet F.ix Explicit Club Mix)
Click on image to download.
Time: 71 Mins (67.22 MB)