Thursday, August 19, 2010

DJ Ryan presents... S.ummer M.ix 2.010

The answer to the question: what was the summer 2010 sound?
K.aty P.erry - T.eenage D.ream (B.rian Club Remix)
U.sher feat P.itbull - D.J G.ot U.s F.allin' I.n L.ove (J.ump S.mokers Extended Mix)
C.hristina A.guilera - Y.ou L.ost M.e (H.ex H.ector & Q.uayle Club Mix)
T.aio C.ruz - D.ynamite (R.alphi R.osario Club Mix)
L.ady A.ntebellum - N.eed Y.ou N.ow (J.ason N.evins Hands Up Extended Mix)
B.o.B feat B.runo M.ars - N.othin O.n Y.ou (G.reg S.tainer House Mix)
N.e-Yo - B.eautiful M.onster (M.ixin' M.arc & T.ony S.vejda Club Mix)
B.o.B feat H.ayley W.illiams - A.irplanes (J.oey B Shooting Stars Remix)
K.e$ha - Y.our L.ove I.s M.y D.rug (B.imbo J.ones Club Mix)
S.cissor S.isters - F.ire W.ith F.ire (D.igital D.og Club Mix)
K.ylie M.inogue - A.ll T.he L.overs (W.aWa & M.MB Anthem Mix)
G.oldfrapp - (D.ave A.ude Radio Mix)
A.lexis J.ordan - H.appiness (W.ideboys Club Remix)
S.hakira - W.aka W.aka (C.utmore Club Mix)
E.nrique I.glesias feat P.itbull - I L.ike I.t (C.ahill Club Mix)
R.obyn - D.ancing O.n M.y O.wn (B.uzz J.unkies Club Mix)
K.aty P.erry feat S.noop D.ogg - C.alifornia G.urls (L.iam K.eegan Remix)
Click on image to download.
Time: 65 Mins (59.71 MB)